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Cambridge Global Food Security

An Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge

The purpose of this symposium, with the generous sponsorship of the Philomathia Foundation, was to bring together a wide spectrum of researchers in Cambridge to explore ways in which the social sciences and STEM subjects can collaborate effectively to mutual benefit, and in so doing can address the major social policy questions of the coming decades. 

The Philomathia Social Sciences Research Programme seeks to develop research of direct relevance to public policy through a dual approach focussed on increasing its involvement with public policy makers, and build its capacity in the quanititative research methods that underpin most evidence-based policy making. 

The symposium was co-chaired by Professor Martin Daunton, Head of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and Professor Christopher Hill, Head of the Department of POLIS.


As a result of discussions arising at the Symposium, following Professor Howard Griffiths' presentation on behalf of the Global Food Security Initiative, we recognised the importance of Global Governance on food stockpiles and interventions as an independent theme for the Initiative. 

We are pleased that Dr Amrita Narlikar (POLIS) has agreed to help co-ordinate activities under this theme, and hope this will consolidate both the interactions with Social Science and Humanities, as well as providing an additional international dimension to our activities.