A short presentation by Dr Paul Lohmann (El-Erian Institute of Behavioural Economics and Policy, University of Cambridge) on Accelerating the sustainable food transition: The impact of behaviourally informed interventions on sustainable food choices followed by Q&A and discussion with the speaker.
Coffee Break Seminars are a relaxed online learning and discussion platform for our food security community. Talks take place every Friday during term time at 2pm, UK time.
Please mail coordinator@globalfood.cam.ac.uk for the zoom link.
It is now widely accepted that a significant portion of emissions reductions required to meet net zero targets must come from individual behaviour and lifestyle changes. Shifting consumers towards more sustainable food consumption has been identified as a key lever to tackle climate change at the individual and household level. While the IPCC estimates substantial “technical potential” to reduce emissions via changes in diets, there is a lack of knowledge on which climate solutions can best harness this potential. In this seminar I will provide a brief introduction to the societal challenges around food consumption and outline how behavioural science can contribute towards a sustainable food transition. I will then present some of my ongoing research that seeks to provide tools and evidence for decision makers to promote sustainable diets. These projects include both recently published research as well as work-in-progress.
Dr Paul Lohmann (El-Erian Institute of Behavioural Economics and Policy, University of Cambridge)