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Cambridge Global Food Security

An Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge

Research projects, groups and initiatives at the University of Cambridge in areas relevant to food security, facilitated by Cambridge Global Food Security and run by our members.

Read more at: Research into Sustainable Alternative Proteins

Research into Sustainable Alternative Proteins

Alternative protein is an important research theme for Global Food Security. GFS events and research groups and initiatives involving our members are addressing the challenges involved in producing protein for the world’s growing population in way that is both healthy and sustainable for people and the planet.

Read more at: The Centre for Landscape Regeneration

The Centre for Landscape Regeneration

The Centre for Landscape Regeneration is part of the £40-million countryside regeneration project the Changing The Environment Programme funded by NERC to safeguard the UK’s most important ecosystems and agricultural land. Failure to adequately protect and restore natural ecosystems has serious...

Read more at: The Mandala Consortium: transforming urban food systems

The Mandala Consortium: transforming urban food systems

The 'Transforming urban food systems for planetary and population health (The Mandala Consortium)' project, is led by Professor Martin White, Professor of Population Health Research in the MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge. Funded through the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Strategic...

Read more at: Crop Science Centre

Crop Science Centre

A coalition of international expertise, based in Cambridge, dedicated to feeding the world.

Read more at: The Forgotten Crops Society

The Forgotten Crops Society

Of the 6000 plant species historically cultivated as crops, global food production is now dominated by just six. Although they are largely absent from global food trade and development initiatives, many ‘forgotten’ crops continue to be important to both rural and urban populations. As the future...

Read more at: MillNET_i


MillNET_i: Millets and Nutritional Enhancement Traits for Iron bioavailability, a UKRI GCRF programme on biofortified millets in Ethiopia and The Gambia.

Read more at: TIGR2ESS


Transforming India's Green Revolution by Research and Empowerment for Sustainable food Supplies (TIGR2ESS) was a Global Challenges Research Fund award to support cutting-edge research and innovation addressing the global issues faced by developing countries.

Read more at: Cambridge's EIT Food projects

Cambridge's EIT Food projects

The University of Cambridge has been involved in a number of collaborative projects with partners in the EIT Food consortium. Funded by EIT Food, these projects put Europe at the centre of a global revolution in food innovation and production, and in how it is valued by society.

Read more at: Objects
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This project assembled multiple small groups of researchers representing the natural, physical, and social sciences as well as the humanities, to discuss objects relating to global food security.

Read more at: Global Food Security and COVID-19

Global Food Security and COVID-19

If your research is helping to tackle any aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact, please get in touch with Jacqueline Garget, Communications Manager for Biological Sciences Research at to discuss potentially promoting it. The Research Communications team in the University’s...

Read more at: One Health

One Health

One Health is an approach which aims to balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and interdependent. It was developed in response...

Global food security is a major research priority for UK and international science.

Cambridge Global Food Security is a virtual centre at the University of Cambridge. We promote an interdisciplinary approach to addressing the challenge of ensuring all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and preferences for an active and healthy life. 

Please contact the Programme Manager D.ssa Francesca Re Manning to request information, share information, or join our mailing list.