Help with planning your impact
The University's 'Pathways to Impact' tool provides a step-by-step guide to planning research impact activity, with links to many useful resources:
Pathways to Impact Tool
The University's Public Policy Initiative has created this useful 'how to' guide for researchers:
How to Evidence and Record Policy Impact
Public engagement support for Cambridge Global Food Security Members
UK Research Councils are clear on the value of public engagement and the role that it can play as a pathway to impact. Guidance from RCUK states:
"Public engagement may be included as one element of your Pathway to Impact. Engaging the public with your research can improve the quality of research and its impact, raise your profile, and develop your skills. It also enables members of the public to act as informed citizens and can inspire the next generation of researchers."
We can help members of the IRC to organise and promote public events relating to their global food security research, for example talks, debates, hands-on activities and film screenings. If you have an idea, please contact the Coordinator to discuss it.
Policy Impact
Below are some examples of policy impact being made by University of Cambridge research in global food security.
September 2017
Monitoring the global food system: building trust and resilience for UK citizens and consumers.
To build consumer trust, we need to understand consumer preferences, and how consumers engage, to make the process of horizon scanning collaborative. A multitude of complex problems stand in the way of achieving these aims; can an inter-disciplinary approach bring about their solution?
In September, CSaP (Centre for Science and Policy) partnered with the Global Food Security Strategic Research Iniative and Public Policy at Cambridge, to organise a Policy Workshop to address these issues. The workshop brought policy makers together with academics from a broad range of disciplines, and addressed a number of questions posed by the government regulator, the Food Standards Agency.
Download the full report above, or read a summary of the discussions here:
How can we make our food systems more resilient against shocks, whilst building consumer trust?
May 2017
Envisioning a British Ecosystem Services Policy
Policy Brief on an alternative approach to rural land policy after Brexit
David Gawith and Ian Hodge, Department of Land Economy, Cambridge