This interactive panel talk about the increasing food poverty among children everywhere including Cambridge worsened by the impact of COVID, featured lots of interaction between our five expert panellists and a highly engaged audience of just over 150 people keen to know more.
Audience questions ranged from, ‘What policies should be put in place to prevent the situation" to "What measures should be put in place other than food banks" to "Has the UK done worse than other countries in containing the effects of COVID and supporting families" and "What can the general public do to help improve the situation" Thanks to the energy and enthusiasm of our panel almost all questions were answered, either on-screen in the webinar’s Q&A function, or verbally, as our Chair fielded questions and bowled them out to the appropriate panellists, who covered topics from psychology to policy in their answers.
Advice from the Panel
For anyone interested about global work you can sign up to receive the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty’s newsletter etc. – our coalition website is here: http://www.endchildhoodpoverty.org/
You can also sign up to be part of the #endchildfoodpoverty campaign here: https://endchildfoodpoverty.org/how-can-i-help
Giles Yeo, author of Gene Eating, presenter of BBC2's Trust Me I'm a Doctor, and Principal Research Associate, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Cambridge.
Professor Tamsin Ford, is a British psychiatrist specialising in children's mental health and her research at the University of Cambridge, focuses on interventions and services to optimize the mental health of children and young people.
Dr Claire Thompson, is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Hertfordshire focusing on food poverty, urban regeneration, and young people's experiences of health and wellbeing.
Ms Yolande Wright, is the Save the Children, Global Director Poverty Reduction, Climate Resilience, Gender Equality and Inclusion. Yolande works across Save the Children to sharpen our focus on the most deprived and marginalised children, leading on evidence-based programming and policy. Her team also works extensively with external partners and co-chairs the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty with UNICEF.
Ms Anna Taylor, is the Executive Director of the Food Foundation, a nutritionist, and with past experience in international development thanks to her past years working with Save the Children International and DFiD.
Image: Pixabay