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Cambridge Global Food Security

An Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge


Key publications: 

Dr Castle works on the development of mathematical models to inform the control and management of plant disease epidemics. He is currently focusing on large-scale, spatially-explicit models of plant pathogen outbreaks (Ash Dieback and Ramorum Disease in the UK, and HLB in the US) which are used to aid national and governmental agencies in their assessment of future high risk areas and also to determine the effect of potential control strategies.


Castle MD, Blanchard JL, Jennings S (2011) "Predicted effects of behavioural movement and passive transport on individual growth and community size structure in marine ecosystems." Adv. Ecol. Res. 45:41-66 Read online

Blanchard JL, Law R, Castle, MD, Jennings S (2011) "Coupled energy pathways and the resilience of size-structured food webs." Theo. Ecol. 4:289-300 Read online

Blanchard JL, Jennings S, Law R, Castle MD, McCloghrie P, Rochet MJ, Benoit E (2009) "How does abundance scale with body size in coupled size-structured food webs?" J. Anim. Ecol. 78:270-280 Read online

Modelling and Epidemiology Group, Department of Plant Sciences
Dr Matt  Castle

Contact Details

Email address: 
01223 330229
Not available for consultancy


Collaborator profiles: 
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Person keywords: 
plant disease modelling