My research interest focuses primarily on the application and development of quantitative methods in archaeology and anthropology. I applied these techniques to tackle a variety of research themes, including the study of long-term changes in settlement patterns, the reconstruction of prehistoric population dynamics, and the statistical inference of cultural transmission modes using archaeological data. I am particularly interested in the theoretical and methodological cross-fertilization between biology and archaeology within a cultural evolutionary framework and the interplay between population dynamics, migration, and cultural change.
I am currently the prinicipal investigator of the ERC-funded ENCOUNTER Project and co-investigator for the Leverhulme-funded Crops, Pollinators, and People (BuckBee) Project.
- Statistical Inference
- Cultural Evolution
- Human settlement and landscape ecology
- Prehistoric Demography
- Japanese Prehistory
I am also one of the main developer of rcarbon, nimbleCarbon, and other R packages.