Yasemin Y. Kor is the Beckwith Professor of Management Studies at Cambridge University Judge Business School. Her research focuses on the intersections of strategy formulation and renewal, top management teams, and corporate governance. She studies strategy as a configuration of resources and capabilities that are uniquely assembled to achieve a purpose. In her research, she examines how organizations differ in ways in which they manage and govern their resources and capabilities. She is interested in sustainable food systems, and engaged in research on development of the organic food industry and how to reduce the global food waste problem.
Professor Kor is a former U.S. Fulbright Research Scholar and she served as an Associate Editor of Journal of Management. She is the Academic Director of the CJBS Executive Education programme on Leading Strategic Change and Renewal, which attracts participants from for-profit, non-profit, and governmental sectors.
Sustainable food systems;
Reducing global food waste across the food supply chain;
Strategy formulation and renewal;
CEO and executive team competencies (human and social capital);
Corporate governance (board of directors).
Chen, P.-L., Kor, Y., Mahoney, J.T. and Tan, D. (2017) "Pre-market-entry experience and post-market-entry learning of the board of directors: implications for post-entry performance." Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (forthcoming)
Kor, Y.Y., Mahoney, J.T., Siemsen, E. and Tan, D. (2016) "Penrose's The theory of the growth of the firm: an exemplar of engaged scholarship." Production and Operations Management, 25(10): 1727-1744 (DOI: 10.1111/poms.12572)
Sundaramurthy, C., Pukthuanthong, K. and Kor, Y. (2014) "Positive and negative synergies between the CEO's and the corporate board's human and social capital: a study of biotechnology firms." Strategic Management Journal, 35(6): 845-868 (DOI: 10.1002/smj.2137)