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Cambridge Global Food Security

An Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge

Headlines on ‘Food Bank Britain’ have featured increasingly in our newspapers since the global financial crash in 2008, documenting the struggle of many people who rely on emergency food aid to feed themselves and their families.

The use of food banks is a last resort for people facing food insecurity (or food poverty). And seeking sustenance from a food bank is the tip of a much bigger iceberg – a symptom of deep-rooted food insecurity. But the UK has made remarkably little effort to formally measure food insecurity in the population as a whole. Without measurement and monitoring, it is difficult to say just how much of a problem food insecurity is in the UK. And that, of course, makes it easier to ignore.

Please read the full article by PhD student Amy Yau, Dr Jean Adams and Prof Martin White here.

Image sourced from original article. 


Cambridge University Research News on Food Security